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Struggling with poor or bad credit and wondering how long does it take to rebuild credit? Read on. Good credit is a lot like trust it takes years to build but can fall apart in minutes..
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Dear CJF, The primary loan holder and cosigner share equal responsibility for the debt, and the loan will appear on both your credit report and hers. As a result, it will help him build a credit history.However, it takes time for that credit history to develop sufficiently to calculate credit scores..
How To Build Good Credit And Clean Up Bad Credit
. Take On A Reasonable Amount Of Debt If you're able to sign up for a department store card or some type of installment loan, you might be able to build good credit..
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Advertiser Disclosure. Mortgage How Long Does It Take to Refinance a House? Thursday, . Editorial Note The editorial content on this page is not provided by any financial institution and has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities prior to publication..

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