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You could try getting a secured card. If you are not familiar with those, it is a way to build credit with no big risk to a creditor. You give them your .How to Get Credit Without a Job. Become an authorized user on a spouse s account. This allows potential creditors to see if you pay your bill promptly and if you keep a low debt to credit ratio, says Clifton O Neal, the senior communications director for TransUnion, a credit bureau. Obtain a branded card. Get a secured .Getting a credit card without a job isn t as difficult as you may think. Regular and reasonable access to income is the most important thing..Do I Need an Income or Job to Qualify for a Credit Card? Income from a job or another source helps you qualify. Without it, consider getting a co signer or becoming an authorized user. You don t always need a job to qualify for a credit card, but you generally must be able to show that you have income..Five ways you can establish credit. Apply for a secured credit card. If you re building your credit score from scratch, you ll likely need to start with a secured credit card. Apply for a credit builder loan. Get a co signer. Become an authorized user on someone else s credit card. Get credit for the rent you pay..
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